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About Sukkot Schmooze Under The Stars | Healthy New Year Resolutions

Our Shabbat Schmooze is back, this time with a special under-the-stars Sukkot edition at the YJP HQ rooftop 🌃.

Join us for a Friday night out with delicious food, drinks, and awesome company 🍾🥧.

Feature of the night is a conversation on HEALTHY NEW YEAR RES0LUTIONS facilitated by:

⭐ Susie Beville, Founder and Food Wellness Coach at My Fit Body and
⭐ Paul Glezer, Founder and Head Coach at HERO.

Kickstart the new year with your health goals in check 🏋️‍♀️. Get inspired by our professional health coaches who will share wisdom and knowledge to get you on track to live your best life in 5783 🧘‍♂️.

Tickets are $15. Bring a group of 3 and get an extra ticket free!

Event schedule:

6:30 Drinks n nibbles | 7:00 Service at DaMinyan | 7:30 Dinner

Laptop On Tray

Sukkot Schmooze Under The Stars | Healthy New Year Resolutions

Join us for a Friday night dinner under the stars

Friday, 14 October 2022

7:30 am

Rooftop at YJP HQ

More upcoming YJP events.


Mental Health & Halacha | Insights into Jewish Lessons For Overcoming Adversity

Join us deep diving into the intersection between Halacha and Mental health and How to navigate clashes on the journey.

22 July 2024 at 8:30:00 am



Winter Retreat 2024

Join us for a weekend winter getaway, the last weekend of July!

25 July 2024 at 7:30:00 am

Feathertop Chalet, Harrietville VIC


Influence with Chutzpah | Social Media Activism Masterclass

A panel discussion featuring 4x Jewish social media influencers sharing their journeys.

8 September 2024 at 8:30:00 am

TBA when booking


Anti-Zionism vs. AntiSemitism Different or the same? Hosted by Rivkah & Shifi

Join us for an evening with sisters Rivkah and Shifi reflecting on their recent trip to Israel.

10 July 2024 at 10:00:00 am

TBA when booking

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