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Jewish Life

Want to connect to Yom Kippur in your own way?

YJP is doing it different with guided conversations in our High Holiday Lounge that explore the personal relevance of the day, interspersed throughout the DaMinyan services.

The High Holiday Lounge is on the lower level of YJP HQ, 1 A'Beckett Street, East St Kilda. Come through the main entrance then turn left to head downstairs.

Full DaMinyan service begins at 9:15am. There's a seat for everyone.

Laptop On Tray

Yom Kippur Lounge

Stop by the High Holiday lounge at YJP HQ before, during or after the DaMinyan services.

Wednesday, 5 October 2022

YJP HQ, Herzog Library, 1 A'beckett St, St Kilda East


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