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Shabbat Schmooze

Together with Young UIA, we're excited to invite Melbourne's young Jewish professionals to a Friday night dinner at the home of Adira & David Werdiger.

Feuaturing a presentation "Understanding Israel's Importance in the 21st Century Diaspora", by Josh Feldman.

Josh is a Melbourne born and raised freelance news & opinion writer who has been featured in prominent Israeli, Australian and American news outlets.

Join us for an exquisite dinner, engaging presentation, and, of course, a schmooze!

Tickets are $15. Early birds (before 2 May) are $10. Group ticket specials avaiable on check-out.

Strictly limited capacity given the household venue.

Laptop On Tray

Shabbat Schmooze

Co-hosted by Young UIA, at the Werdigers home.

Friday, 6 May 2022

Address provided on RSVP


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